Deep River
Historical Society
Preserving and Celebrating our Legacy
Please note our website is currently being worked on. More pages and content will be coming soon.
Upcoming Events
Meet Frank Santoro as he discusses Deep River’s 19th Century seafaring history.

Who We Are
Three museums in one…

The Stone House was built in 1841 from locally-quarried stone. Three generations of the Southworth family called the Stone House their home, where we now display some of their original furnishings as well as donations resonant of that period. The property, which was bequeathed to us from Ada Southworth Munson in 1946, also includes a Carriage House (available for event rentals), a Bleach House from the days of ivory manufacturing, and extensive grounds.

2. Our Collections
In addition to the Southworth bequest of a furnished home, the Deep River Historical Society curates our community’s history through artifacts, documents, maps, diaries, letters, art, and much more. Our rotating exhibits have recently highlighted Deep River’s centuries of industry from wharf to waterfall, contributions to women’s suffrage and activism, and the sacrifices of the men and women of Deep River during World War II. And we are planning more!

3. Our Programs
We provide Deep River with a lively roster of events, including period teas, the strawberry social, antique car shows, and the holiday Festival of Trees, along with year-round, though-provoking talks by authors and residents about local history and its colorful personalities.
Access all exhibitions & program updates
Membership includes a subscription to the Society’s newsletter and free admission to exhibits.

Become a Member
Please note, this society is an independent charitable organization. It receives no town or state funding. Any contribution above basic membership is tax deductible, and is most appreciated.
News & Articles
Scarecrow at DRHS
We are loving our Scarecrow this year! DRHS Trustee and Town Historian Richard Kalapos has recreated the Leatherman persona for the Society this year. The Leatherman is a legend in this part of Connecticut as he wandered from town to town making an annual circuit from...
Watch Simon LaPlace’s DRHS Talks – “Who Do You Think You Are?” & “Main Street”
Deep River Historical Society invited Simon R. LaPlace to give an informative talk at the Carriage House on September 23, 2021. He has recorded his talk and divided it into two parts. Part 1 entitled “Who Do You Think You Are?” traces Simon’s family roots back...
Deep River Family Day at the Stone House 2021
Family Day is September 18, 2021. The Stone House will be open from 10am to 2pm with a Grand Finale Scavenger Hunt for all age groups! We want you to find the “gems” hidden in plain sight. Stop in and see us. We have a lot to show you. This will also be the last...
Week 12: The Stone House – Home of the Deep River Historical Society!
Located at 245 Main Street, this historic structure has been the home of the Deep River Historical Society for 75 years! Built by Ezra Southworth in 1842, of local granite from the Southworth quarries, the Greek Revival style home has seen many changes over the...
Week 11: Find Columbia, “Lady Liberty” on the Veteran’s Memorial Green.
Columbia was created by C.D. Batchelor in 1943. She was unveiled at the Deep River Library by Delores Smith, age 10, sister of Corporal Joseph Smith, the first Deep River “boy” to be killed in World War II and Mr. Batchelor on November 19, 1943. In 1970, Columbia was...
DRHS Week 10! George Desmond’s Baseball Monument at Devitt’s Field
Ever wonder why there is a large stone baseball monument at Devitt’s Field or who George Desmond was? George Desmond is considered to be the “Father of Baseball in Middlesex County.” For decades he was the driving force behind the Middlesex County League which was a...