Another sold out event! The weather turned warm and sunny. Ladies arrived in their summer bonnets to sip their tea and enjoy and entertaining and educational program by Kandie Carle of East Haddam. Better known as the Victorian Lady, Kandie has been presenting historical programs such as this since 1992. many of you will remember her performance here in 2014 dressed in her corset and garters. This year dressed in early 1800’s attire she entertained us with anecdotes from Dolley Madison’s White House proving that Clothing does speak volumes.
We are blessed to have this committee comprised of both Trustees and members who volunteer their time, donate all of the food and raffle prizes to make this event happen. It has become one of our biggest fundraisers of the year and we are grateful for all of you who support this event. Thank You! One of the perks of membership in the Deep River Historical Society is early notice of the annual tea. As tickets to this event sell out quickly advanced notice is key to reserving your seat. Membership info is listed on the web site or contact any of our Trustees.
Next year’s tea is scheduled for April 4th in the Carriage House with a musical performance by Patty Carver of Essex.