New Historical Society Officers; Thank you Jeff for your years of dedication!

The Deep River Historical Society elected a new president for the first time in 32 years! President Jeff Hostetler thanked the membership for their support and said he was leaving the society in good hands. Sue Wisner is also stepping down as secretary, a role she has filled for the last 6 years. The new officers are not new to the board of trustees. Bruce Edgerton has served on the board for more than 20 years and Marian Staye has served on the board for 8 years and served as house and grounds co-chair for 5 years. Jeff Hostetler was presented a proclamation from Governor Lamont and a clock from the trustees. Matt Sheridan, a board member, created wooden coasters with the Stone House imprinted on the coaster. Linda Hostetler was presented flowers for her role in supporting Jeff and the Society for all these years. 
Congratulations to our newly elected officers. 

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