Honoring Our Tri-Town Veterans

Veteran’s Photos Needed!

Let’s Honor Our Tri-Town Veterans — Find those old photos to submit to be featured in the Patriotic Salute!

Deep River, Chester and Essex Historical Societies are working together to create a Patriotic Salute to commemorate the 100th Anniversary of Armistice Day and honor 100 years in all the branches of service in the wars our country has been engaged in.

In preparation for the program we are asking veterans or their family members to submit a photograph of them in uniform to be incorporated into the program. Not necessary to be still living in the Tri-Town area. All images will be returned. Digital images can be sent to:
Rhonda Forristall (Deep River Historical Society Curator) at [email protected] or call to set up a time to drop off your photos 860-526-5086.

Program will be honoring veterans from any wars that our country was or is presently involved in. Patriotic music will be provided by the Corinthian Jazz Band and accompanied by a slide show of photos of veterans from the tri-town area

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