The Deep River Historical Society held its annual meeting virtually this year due to COVID -19 restrictions. Voting of the membership was done electronically with a few votes being cast by paper ballot.
The membership unanimously elected Veronica Makowsky and Jerry Roberts to 5-year terms and Leslie Kane to fill an open vacancy term for 3 years. The membership also returned Trustees Kim Olson, Matt Elgart, and Charlotte Lazor for another 5-year term.
COVID-19 made 2020 a very challenging year. The Board is excited to welcome new members who bring of a wealth of experiences, knowledge and energy to DRHS.
Veronica Makowsky is a retired English professor from the University of Connecticut and published author, who has already spent summers volunteering at the Stone House organizing and transcribing historic documents.
Jerry Roberts is a historian and author with past experience as a museum director. He has often volunteered his time to consult with the curatorial committee on identifying and authenticating objects. He is an entertaining speaker and has done several presentations in the Carriage House.
Leslie Kane currently works for the National Audubon Society and manages their center operations across CT and NY. She has had management experience with land trusts, urban forests, river watershed projects, and nature conservancy which will be an asset to the board as our property encompasses nearly ten acres of land and runs east all the way to the railroad tracks and the river.
The Board also welcomes three returning members.
Charlotte Lazor, who retired from Wesleyan University’s Admissions Office and volunteers on the Hospitality and Carriage House committees.
Matt Elgart, a retired physician whose office was off of Main Street, has extensive knowledge of Deep River from growing up here. His father also owned a business located on Main Street.
Kim Olson is a volunteer with the Deep River Ambulance Service, manager of the Pandemonium Rainforest Thrift Shop, and the recent co-owner of the West Shop (Esico-Triton), a historic factory building, where she is working to preserve the building while creating a business to support the non-profit Pandemonium Rainforest Project.
Veronica Makowsky Jerry Roberts Leslie Kane Matt Elgart Charlotte Lazor Kim Olson
Welcome to the Board of Trustees!