Deep River

Historical Society

Preserving and Celebrating our Legacy

Please note our website is currently being worked on. More pages and content will be coming soon.

Upcoming Events

Meet Frank Santoro as he discusses Deep River’s 19th Century seafaring history.


The Deep River Historical Society will host a book talk and signing on March 27th in the Carriage House at 7 pm by Frank Santoro. Frank has already published two books called Deep River Stories and More Deep River Stories. Books will be available at Frank’s talk and can also be obtained at the Deep River Hardware and Celebrations or on Amazon.

Who We Are

Three museums in one…

Deep River Historical Society

The Stone House was built in 1841 from locally-quarried stone. Three generations of the Southworth family called the Stone House their home, where we now display some of their original furnishings as well as donations resonant of that period. The property, which was bequeathed to us from Ada Southworth Munson in 1946, also includes a Carriage House (available for event rentals), a Bleach House from the days of ivory manufacturing, and extensive grounds.

2. Our Collections

In addition to the Southworth bequest of a furnished home, the Deep River Historical Society curates our community’s history through artifacts, documents, maps, diaries, letters, art, and much more. Our rotating exhibits have recently highlighted Deep River’s centuries of industry from wharf to waterfall, contributions to women’s suffrage and activism, and the sacrifices of the men and women of Deep River during World War II. And we are planning more!

3. Our Programs

We provide Deep River with a lively roster of events, including period teas, the strawberry social, antique car shows, and the holiday Festival of Trees, along with year-round, though-provoking talks by authors and residents about local history and its colorful personalities. 


Access all exhibitions & program updates

Membership includes a subscription to the Society’s newsletter and free admission to exhibits.

Become a Member

Please note, this society is an independent charitable organization. It receives no town or state funding. Any contribution above basic membership is tax deductible, and is most appreciated.

News & Articles

Thomas Elliott’s Planes of Winthrop

Thomas Elliott’s Planes of Winthrop

Standing room only at Tom Elliott's talk on Wed night. A wonderfully informed talk about the manufacturing of planes in Winthrop. Tom surprised the entire room when he donated his collection of Denison planes to the Deep river Historical Society. An overwhelming...

Deep River Family Day 2016

Deep River Family Day 2016

The Deep River Historical Society will be open on both Saturday and Sunday, September 17 & 18, of Family Day weekend from 10 am to 2 pm. There have been several changes made over the summer and this is your perfect opportunity to stop in to see the new Marine...

An Afternoon with the Ladies Historic Sewing Circle

An Afternoon with the Ladies Historic Sewing Circle

Ladies representing various time periods from 1790 to 1910 gathered on the Stone House veranda on Sunday Aug 28th. Dressed in actual vintage and authentically reproduced clothing and accessories, the ladies spoke with visitors about their projects, their clothing, the...

Deep River Historical Society Receives Humanities Grant

Deep River Historical Society Receives Humanities Grant

June 1st, 2016 U.S. Congressman Joe Courtney stopped by the Deep River Historical Society after the society received a matching grant from the National Endowment for Humanities (NEH). You can read the full article published on

The Marine Room

On June 28th we hosted an open house for the newly designed Marine Room exhibit at the Stone House. The room is a showcase for Deep River's marine history during the 1800's. The exhibit illustrates the impressions of the Connecticut River, merchants, ship builders and...