Get Out and Vote!

Donations are our lifeblood and Essex Savings Bank is giving thousands of dollars to help aid
our efforts.

Essex Savings Bank will be collecting votes throughout the month of February. At the end of
this period, the votes are tallied and translate into a percentage of the total amount of allocated
funds. In 2019, the total amount to be distributed is $39,600. Support {non-profit} by voting!

Rules to vote:

If you are a customer of Essex Savings Bank you are eligible to vote for up to three of your
favorite non-profit organizations beginning February 1 through February 28, 2019. A customer
will be defined as any person having a loan, deposit account or safe deposit box with the Bank.
Each customer, regardless of the number of accounts held, will be allowed to complete only one
ballot. Paper ballots are available at any of the Bank’s six branches or an electronic ballot may
be submitted by logging into your Essex Savings Bank online account.

About The Deep River Historical Society:

The Deep River Historical Society, located at 245 Main Street in Deep River, was incorporated
on August 30th 1946 in the State of Connecticut and is a Tax Exempt organization under section
501(c) (3) of the Internal Revenue Code and has been so since 1948. The society accepted the
charitable gift of Ada Southworth Munson of the Stone House, its proprieties and funds for
maintenance in 1946. The Society is managed by the board of trustees who are responsible for
insuring the society meets the objectives of its benefactor, Ada Munson. Article I of the society’s
bylaws state – “The Deep River Historical Society shall maintain and preserve the Deep River
Stone House and grounds, promote interest in the history of Deep River and collect and preserve
the historical artifacts and records of Deep River and it’s environs” . In order for us to continue
this work we rely upon the generous donations of the public and their support of our mission.

About Essex Savings Bank

Essex Savings Bank is a FDIC insured, state chartered, mutual savings bank established in 1851.
The Bank serves the Connecticut River Valley and shoreline with six offices in Essex (2),
Chester, Madison, Old Lyme and Old Saybrook providing a full complement of personal and
business banking. Financial, estate, insurance and retirement planning are offered throughout the
state by the Bank’s Trust Division, Essex Trust and wholly-owned subsidiary, Essex Financial
Services, Inc., Member FINRA, SIPC.

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