DRHS Mid Summer Covid-19 Update -Impact on our Society

In an effort to follow guidelines and to keep volunteers and the community safe everything at the Deep River Historical Society closed down the first week of March. The Stone House will remain closed to the public for the remainder of the season. Volunteer staff has intermittently stopped in to check on the building and pick up pieces to work on at home. 

After June 20th volunteers have cautiously started coming in to work, 1 or 2 people at a time working in separate rooms. We are making progress on our exhibits and projects.  DRHS can’t wait to show them off.  We have been working hard to update the web site weekly with short news bulletins. Be sure to check them out. 

Because of our closure, the Society has lost all expected fundraising income from the Annual Ladies Tea, The Strawberry Social, and the parking for the Deep River Muster.  We have also had to cancel all of the proposed rentals in the Carriage House. This is a huge financial hit of several thousand dollars to our budget. 

The finance committee had a special meeting to move funds from our investments so we have the ability to continue to pay the bills. 

Another fallout from the Corona Virus is the issue of ground maintenance. With no income, it is impossible to pay for weekly lawn mowing. The finance committee decided to ask our contractor to only mow once a month and only in front of the Stone House and around the Carriage House. The DRHS as well as Angus at the town hall has received many phone calls about the tall grass. Don Lee has volunteered to do it and Angus let us know that the town crew could help us as well. So please excuse our appearance, we are looking a little shabby these days like many of us did when barbershops and beauty parlors were closed down.  We are getting mowed intermittently so please do not blame our contractor as it was a necessary financial decision. 

If you would like to make a donation to the Deep River Historical Society please click on the link below to our donation page. 

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