Deep River Historical Society Awarded Grant

July 1, 2019 – Deep River Historical Society has been awarded a grant by the CT Humanities to create a new interactive exhibit at the Stone House detailing the rise of the Village of Deep River to an Industrial Hub. “From Wharf to Waterfall: Deep River and the Industrial Revolution” is designed to integrate all the assets of the Deep River Historical Society to create a high-quality educational experience for a multigenerational audience. The entire 1842 Stone House Museum provides a launching site for the story of Deep River’s transition from an artisan-based and agricultural community to a manufacturing industrial society. In the 1882 addition, the Munson Gallery will feature a new exhibit that will document the story of developing factories along the Deep River as it flowed to the Connecticut River and of shipyards that skirted its banks. In conjunction with CT Humanities, Middlesex Community Foundation awarded a grant to the Deep River Historical Society to digitized film of the power looms of the Lace Factory and flight-testing of the WWII gliders which will enhance the visitors’ experience.

Work will begin immediately to design and create this new exhibit with a completion date projected for the spring of next year. The Stone House will remain open on Saturdays and Sundays from 2 to 4 pm during this transition, featuring its newest exhibit on the 275th Anniversary of the Winthrop Baptist Church. The exhibit outlines the history of the Church beginning with the story of persecution which led fourteen Baptists in 1744 to stand for their right to religious freedom and build their church to present day where the Church is still a vibrant part of the Winthrop community.

The society’s mission is to interact with our community in the preservation and interpretation of Deep River’s place in American History. Follow our progress on our website and Facebook.

Connecticut Humanities, a nonprofit affiliate of the National Endowment for the Humanities, supports cultural and historic organizations that tell the state’s stories, build community and enrich lives.

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