The Victorian Lady: Civil War Era

The Victorian Lady: Civil War Era

Join us on NOVEMBER 8, 7:00 – 8:00 pm for the Victorian Lady: Civil War Era at the Deep River Historical Society!

Stage actress, Kandie Carle, combines her love of history and years of research and experience as a performer to create her one woman show, Victorian Lady!

While dressing in actual vintage and authentically reproduced undergarments, clothing and accessories, Kandie Carle adds humor, history and intriguing anecdotes about fashion, home life and etiquette of men and women of the past.

No registration is required. This program is held in memoriam of Kathie Welch.

This program is cosponsored by the Deep River Library & the Deep River Historical Society.





Support DRHS

Please consider making a donation to DRHS. This society is an independent charitable organization. It receives no town or state funding. Any contribution above basic membership is tax deductible, and is most appreciated.

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